日本に居住するイスラーム教徒の一部には信教の自由などを否定するものもおり、問題視されている。日本語で書かれたイスラーム教徒向けのホームページの一部にもそのような内容が書き込まれていることがある。[注釈 28]
関空、進むイスラム対応 礼拝部屋増やし食事も充実
globalization and the growing influence of Middle Eastern oil money, Muslim
people and their culture, in such forms as mosques and halal foods, are becoming
more familiar in Japan. The stories below show how the Muslim presence is
spreading and touching the daily lives of ordinary
of mosques growing in Japan
In the city of Gifu, this mosque was opened in July in a paddy field
with 140 million yen donated in Japan and abroad. |
in the city of Gifu drifts the sonorous melody of the Adhan, the Islamic call to
prayer. Rounding the bend, the visitor is greeted by a white dome framed against
the blue sky. Inside, Muslim faithful from countries such as Malaysia and
Bangladesh are going about their Friday prayers.
opened on July 27, is regularly packed with about 100 worshippers, who press
their foreheads to the navy-blue carpet stretched between the main room's
pure-white walls.
feel relaxed, and forget my worries," said Mohammad Afzal Cheema, a 39-year-old
Pakistani who runs a used-car business.
founders is Qureshi Abdul Wahab, a 51-year-old Pakistani who also runs a
used-car trading business in Nagoya. Explaining the founding, he said, "We had
gathered in a prefab building, but decided to build this new mosque because the
old location was becoming too small for prayers."
Mosque cost about 140 million yen, which was raised through donations in Japan
and abroad.
Japan has been on the rise since around 2000, and there are now more than 50
nationwide. Last November, one was opened in Sendai. Another is currently under
construction in Fukuoka.
pray inside the Gifu Mosque. |
Keiko Sakurai, a
professor of Islamic regional studies at Waseda University, said that the
growing number of Muslims settling down in Japan is behind the increase in
mosques. Sakurai estimates that there are about 56,000 legal Muslim residents in
Japan, more than four times larger than the number of 13,000 in 1990.
many Muslims run restaurants and used-vehicle businesses, adding that Pakistanis
in particular have tapped their international networks to succeed at used-car
the Muslim population, some Japanese companies are deciding to accommodate their
prayers. USS Co., a major used-vehicle auction firm, began building prayer rooms
inside its auction houses four years ago.
Vice President Dai Seta said, "We created them because we had more and more
customers from Islamic countries." Now most of the firm's 18 auction sites
around the nation, including the one in Yokohama, have prayer rooms.
pleased. One Iranian said he used to pray in nearby parking lots, but that now
he and others have gravitated to the auction house and its prayer
Alflah SuperMarket in Ikebukuro district, Tokyo, offers halal foods.
near Ikebukuro Station in Tokyo becomes busy with customers in the evening. The
market sells halal food for Muslims. Demand for halal food grew at the market in
September as Muslims observed Ramadan, a month of fasting during the day and
dining with the family after sunset.
Pakistan visits the supermarket two or three times a week. He said, "I can enjoy
meat dishes again without worrying because Japan has begun selling halal
"permissible" in Arabic. Halal foods are those that are allowed under Islamic
dietary guidelines, for instance, those that do not include pork or alcohol, or
that include beef or chicken prepared according to strict guidelines. Alflah
imports foods that are specially processed under halal guidelines in Australia.
Several dozen stores around the country handle halal foods.
halal foods have been a boon for Diamond Trading Ltd. The firm is predicting a
more than 10% increase in sales this year compared with a year earlier. "Lately,
there has been an increase in Islamic exchange students and orders are coming in
from all over the country," said Hoque Mahbubul, president of the
student from Bangladesh who frequents the company's Web site said he places
orders with his friends to share them.
Pacific University in Beppu, Oita Prefecture, the cafeteria run by the Japanese
Consumers' Co-Operative Union offers meals prepared with halal food for the
Muslim students. Extra precautions are taken: the dishes and cooking utensils
are separated from the regular ones to keep non-halal foods from mixing
hard to procure and the dishes take a long time to prepare," said Takashi
Kinoshita, the manager. "But it's worth all the work if it makes the exchange
students happy."
students have expressed a desire to work in Japan after graduation. As Japan
continues to deal with its falling birthrate and shrinking population, these
exchange students are strong potential candidates to expand the work
Islamic students and businesspeople can enjoy is a small investment for Japanese
educational institutions and companies and an incentive for Islamic expats to
remain active in Japanese society.
studies open doors
learn Arabic at the School of Arabic Language located in a condo in Shinjuku, Tokyo, after a day's work. |
al-khair" means "good evening" in Arabic, the teacher explains. In a condominium
near the Tokyo Metropolitan Government offices in Shinjuku district, a group of
company employees interested in the Middle East attend a class at the School of
Arabic Language after work. Akira Hinoki, a 54-year-old man who lived in Saudi
Arabia as an exchange student, heads the Arabic language school he set up in
currently 76 students enrolled in the school. This past year, enrollment
increased by 10. Wakako Otani, 32, one of the newcomers and a beginner in the
language, works for the Japan External Trade Organization. Otani said, "I want
to create corporate exchanges between Japanese companies and Middle Eastern
firms by holding local exhibitions." In class, she struggles with getting used
to the new language as she vocalizes conversational phrases, including questions
such as, "What is your occupation?"
Arabic Islamic Institute in Tokyo, run by the Saudi Arabian government, the
evening Arabic language class is packed with office workers. It was so popular
that the 30-seat course filled up just two days after registration opened.
Students use textbooks to practice conversational Arabic and learn pronunciation
and grammar.
a 41-year-old who has been attending the school since last fall, helps corporate
trainees sent from the Middle East settle into life in Japan. She was an
exchange student in Egypt and can understand some conversational Arabic. She
said it was important for her to learn enough of the language to be able to
navigate various situations, for instance, if a trainee has to go to the
employees who tell their colleagues or bosses they study Arabic often get asked
by their companies to travel to the Middle East to do local research. The school
is planning a course on translating Arabic language newspaper articles into
nonprofit Japanese Organization for Arabic Language Examinations was launched
last year. Yoshiko Miyakawa, who helped set up the organization, studied Arabic
in Egypt, where her husband worked. She returned to Japan and searched for a
place where she could test her language skills. Unable to find one, she decided
to form an organization herself. Miyakawa said, "I hope this becomes a bridge to
the Arab world."
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